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What we have to say about your health and well being
Aug 2017
Healthy Holidays

Summer is finally here and many of us may be planning some time away either abroad or closer to home. In either case it is important to plan well to ensure a happy and healthy trip for the entire family.

Before you travel ensure you have the correct travel insurance to cover the duration and destination of your trip and any activities you may be taking part in - basic travel insurance may not cover you for that spur of the moment go on a banana boat! If you are travelling within Europe make sure you also have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which will entitle you to reduced cost health care.

If you are travelling to a more distant destination check with your pharmacist or surgery to see if you will require any vaccinations before travelling or anti-malarial medication while you are abroad. You may also require specific insect repellents or mosquito nets.

If you take regular medication, ensure you have enough to cover your entire trip away and a little bit more. You should pack it in your hand luggage in case your bags go missing and ensure it remains in it's original container with the labels clearly showing. It is also important to bring along a copy of your prescription to help avoid any problems while travelling or when away. This is particularly important if you are travelling with certain strong painkillers or diabetic equipment. If you need a new prescription ensure you request it well in advance of your leaving date.

It is a good idea to prepare a travel kit that includes items that are essential but sometimes forgotten. This can include items such as;

  • Suncream and aftersun lotion
  • Sunhat and sunglasses
  • Anti-diarrhoea pills and rehydration sachets
  • Travel sickness medication
  • Plasters and blister plasters
  • Antiseptic
  • Painkillers
  • Insect repellent and bite cream
  • Antihistamines
  • Heartburn medication
  • First aid kit if planning on going off the beaten track

If travelling by plane, particularly on a long haul flight, to reduce your risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) ensure you get up from your seat to walk around and stretch your legs whenever you can. Avoid drinking alcohol but drink plenty of fluid to ensure you stay hydrated and wear loose comfy clothes. If you think you may be at particular risk of developing DVT please speak to your GP.

If you are travlling across several time zones, jet lag may be an issue. This causes tiredness and confusion as your body struggles to get used to the new timezone. In order to minimise the effects of jet lag it is important to establish a new routine as quickly as possible, this means eating and sleeping and the correct times in your destination and avoiding napping. Speanding time outdoors in natural light may also minimise the effects of jetlag. Seek advice from your GP or pharmacist before travelling if you take medication at specific times of the day.

For further travel health information including anti-malarial supply just pop into Chandag Road Pharmacy or feel free to give us a call!

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